Adult Education

We are never too old to learn and grow in our relationship with God and with each other. St. Timothy’s seeks to identify timely and meaningful areas where we can learn together.

Previous adult education series have included topics like “Women on The Journey”, the works of C.S. Lewis, and a film series where we examined the representation of Christ and Christianity via cinema and conversation.

Current Programming

We currently are exploring conflict. We live in a world where many people are divided by situations in the world around us. At St. Tim’s, we seek to learn positive ways to deal with conflict in our lives. We understand that conflict is natural, and is a part of growth. This program helps us to understand that conflict is not about winning, but about listening and understanding others’ true motivations. We all seek to do God’s will. Learning about conflict ensures that we are not easily divided.

Please contact the church Office at or call 419.874.5704 if you wish to learn more.